3D-materials import

Bulk import of materials into materials catalog is possible with CSV-file.

Example of CSV file

id - unique material id

material_name - the name of the material in the material catalog

product_category - the pathname of the category for the product.
There could be more than one category separated by a comma.

material_category - the pathname of the category for the material.
There could be more than one category separated by a comma.

preview - preview for the product.
Supported formats:
This field could be empty. In case when "preview" field remains empty - a preview will be rendered automatically from the material.

gltf - link to a folder with GLTF file and textures packed in .ZIP or link to GLB file

width, height - sizes of the material in cm (centimeters)
These fields could be empty. In case when "width" and "height" fields remain empty - the value of 100 cm will be set for the longer side by default and the correspondent proportional value will be set for the shorter side.

skip - value "1" means that this material will be skipped for upload
This field could be empty. In case when "skip" field remains empty - material data will be uploaded.

public - value "1" means that this material will become visible to all users of the room planner immediately after upload. This field could be empty. In case when "public" field remains empty - material will be visible only for Admin after being uploaded.

blend_file - blend file for the material. Link to blend file used for the external renderer.
Supported formats: *.blend
This field could be empty.