
Render Status Webhook

This webhook is triggered to notify an endpoint whenever there is an update to the status of a render job. The data sent in the payload provides details about the render’s state and includes information to determine if further actions can be taken.

Payload Structure

The webhook sends a JSON payload with the following structure:

    "actions": {
        "download": {
            "link": "/api/render/154",
            "method": "GET"
        "open": {
            "link": "/api/render/154",
            "method": "GET"
    "camera_angle": 0,
    "canDelete": true,
    "canRestart": true,
    "created": 1732889158,
    "preview": "/files/render/1007/154/ec03be86870dd7f5090fddeae8a0f574.png",
    "renderOrientation": "",
    "renderView": "",
    "render_id": 154,
    "status": "stored",
    "time_ready": 1732889388,
    "type": "10",
    "user_id": 1007

Field Descriptions

type: Specifies the render resolution or quality (e.g., "FullHD").
created: UNIX timestamp for when the render job was created.
renderView: Describes the view type of the render, such as "exterior" or "interior".
renderOrientation: Specifies the render’s orientation, like "landscape" or "portrait".
preview: URL path to a preview image of the render.
status: Indicates the current status of the render job (e.g., "created", "stored"). stored - is the last status when render file is stored
canRestart: True if the render can be restarted.
canDelete: True if the render can be deleted.
• actions: Contains additional actionable endpoints:
• open: Provides a method and link to open the render.
• download: Provides a method and link to download the render.
renderId: Unique identifier for the render job.
timeReady: UNIX timestamp for when the render was completed and ready.
cameraAngle: Numerical value representing the camera angle used in the render.

This structure provides essential details and endpoints for managing the render job and allows integration of real-time render status monitoring and control into your system.