Create a new Material Set in the catalog
Method POST
"materials": [21024,21033],
"en_name": "test\\test11\\test22",
"ru_name": "тест11\\тест11\\тест22",
"default": "21033",
"position": 1
name - this field has value with main language field name ( en_name for english main language )
en_name - A Set name written in the main language for the website.
In this case, is English (en_name), but it could be any other language (i.e. Ukrainian - ua_name).
the field contains the name of the Set with a path for the needed Set.
For example: you have a category tree like this
- set1
-- subset1
-- subset2
in this example will be created subset1 Set with parent set1
materials - list of the material ids for set
default - id of default material in material set
position - position of set or subset
en_name / ua_name / de_name ... - names in other languages (optional fields, used in case if site supports several languages)
We support these languages for now:
en_name - English
ua_name - Ukrainian
ru_name - Russian
de_name - German (Deutch)
pl_name - Polish
"status": "ok",
"data": "50"
As result with set id obtained