Every time user tries to open his projects panel, Roomtodo sends 'my_projects' event to client's site.
First of all, JSON config for merchant's site has to contains 'my_projects_merchant_logic': true:
Example of how to catch 'my_projects' event from Roomtodo:
<iframe frameborder="0" id="iframe7384d8cb02ad2ef7e696fddf9a5394a7" src="https://n.roomtodo.com/planner?site_key=7384d8cb02ad2ef7e696fddf9a5394a7" style="width: 800px; height: 600px;"></iframe>
window.addEventListener('message', messageListener);
function messageListener(e) {
try {
var object = JSON.parse(e.data);
if (object.action == 'my_projects') {
//Show user projects here
} catch ( error ) {}