JSON file

This code will make Roomtodo export project details and save them as a JSON file.

iframeRoomtodo.contentWindow.postMessage(`{"action": "save_estimation"}`, '*');

Example of output file

Description of file with project details

  • rooms - list with information about every room in the project
    • name - name of the room
    • area - area of the room
    • perimeter - perimeter of the room
    • wallsArea - area of walls. The area of windows and doors is subtracted from this value
    • width, length - rectangular sizes of room
  • wallsHeigt - the height of walls in the project

  • materialsWall - an object that contains information about materials applied to walls. Such as material ID and the area covered by this material.

  • materialsFloor - information about materials applied to the floor. It is similar to materialsWall

  • materialsCeiling - information about materials applied to the ceiling. It is similar to materialsWall

  • products - an object that contains information about models used in the project. Its keys are product IDs and its values are the numbers of corresponding products in the scene